- Mar 10, 2019Part 2: Pathway to a Godly Legacy
- Mar 3, 2019Part 1: Pathway to a Godly Legacy-B
- Mar 3, 2019Part 1: Pathway to a Godly Legacy-A
- Feb 24, 2019Part 2: “Out of the Foxhole–Into the Fight”
- Feb 17, 2019Part 1: “Out of the Foxhole–Into the Fight”
- Feb 10, 2019Part 2: “Launch Out Into The Deep”
- Feb 3, 2019Part 1: “Launch Out Into The Deep”
- Jan 13, 2019Part Three-Elijah & Elisha
- Jan 6, 2019Part Two-Elijah & Elisha
- Dec 30, 2018Part One-Moses & Joshua